Friday, August 31, 2012

Less than 30 days

In less then 30 days I will be leaving Minnesota to move into my new apartment in Milan. In preperation yesterday I went to the bank and made my second payment on my tuition. :-) Also in other news I was Facebooked Tuesday by my new neighbor in Italy. So exciting. She is from Verona and is a second year in the dentistry program. She already agreed to show me around and help me out when I first get there :-) I made a friend already. :-) I will be keeping everyone posted on my where abouts as my days become fewer in the states.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


About a week ago I had a skype interview with the director of housing at San Raffeale to determine if I would be accepted to the residence on campus. The interview went well the only question that I got a little stumped on was what american author I felt impacted my life the most. lol considering I only get to read maybe one book a year that is not required this was a hard question however I managed the question ok. 
On Tuesday I got a letter from the Director tell me I had passed selection and would be granted a room in the on campus housing which is just a minute walk to my classes and five minutes from the closest market. So this was great news to hear. Housing was the last thing I need to fall in place now I just have time to work and play for 52 days until I leave for school.