Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Discovering what I don't want to be when I grow up.

First I want to apologize for not posting. It has been a crazy two years, during which I started writing this post and totally forgot to come back and finish it to post. Sorry about that anyways enjoy.

Sometimes learning or knowing what you don't want can be just as important of a choice as knowing what you do. We are told over and over again as we are young what do you want to be when you grow up, but never what do you not want to be.

When I started writing this post I had just finished a grueling year of both course work and hospital work. I was spending long hours in the hospital in wards I liked and others I did not. I was asked once what my plans were for the next few years. (this question always makes me laugh a bit because no matter my plans inevitably things go a different way... usually for the better) I started saying things like take the step exams, do this and that for rotations. Then this person stopped me and said but you have so many options available to you now how will you narrow it down? Is there something you for sure do not want to do. This questions left me speechless, which is a hard thing to do ask my family. My initial answer was no of course not I want to do everything and see everything. However, as I started to really think about it this was a great question what do I not want.

Well I said, I do not want to spend my next 20 years being unhappy doing something that does not bring me joy 75% of the time (Ok we can be honest even those that are the most self realized and happy people have at least 25% of the time they are not finding complete joy). I do not want to get wrapped up in politics (either general or at an institution). I do not want to be a surgeon. This last one was a bit of surprise to me because I for a long time struggled with the decision medic or surgeon. Then I spent a month on a surgical service and although I found it fascinating as well as interesting the skill of the surgeons. I knew after that month this just wasn't going to be for me.

Now what... I like working with my hands I always have but I like puzzles too. I knew I did not want to be a surgeon so, I found a sub specialty that allowed me to do both, Interventional Cardiology. This is a field of cardiology that uses percutaneous approaches to treat the heart. I can't wait to see where this takes me. I began my thesis internship in May of 2016 and I am loving it.

So a simple question of what do I not want led me to narrow down my options to get at what I do want. A new approach to the same question can really change how you view things sometimes. Give it a try. ;) 

Till we meet again,
