Thursday, January 24, 2013

Exam Time

Exam season is in full swing here in Milano. Unlike in the States where you have a week with all of your exams crammed together, here they take about a month to do exams. My first exam was on the 18th Physiology. I also have Histology on the 4th of February and then Dynamics of Movement on February 13th.  Also different from home, here if you do not like your score most often you can try again. So due to the fact I was less then pleased with my Physiology score I will be retaking this exam sometime at the end of February or beginning of March. That being said other then the shopping last weekend as a study break, life here has consisted mainly of studying, eating and sleeping. Once exams are over I plan on seeing a little more of Italy and will have much more to write about.

Till we meet again.


  1. Hang in there I know it's a lot of work but you love it too!

  2. Good Luck, I am sure you will do amazing!

  3. Hi Marissa,

    I read the article in the internet that your school's office is occupied by some medical students and the graduates.

    I cannot look at San Raffaele medical school website.

    Do you have any troubles in this incident?
    Can you have lectures now?

    I hope you don't have troubles about that.

    I was going to participate the Open Day of medical school.
    But I changed to go in December.

    1. Marilyne it is so nice to hear from you. Yes there are students occupying the university as they are unhappy with some of the choices the administration is making. I was unable to participate on account of my exam schedule. I did not have problems with the website I will attach the link again here maybe it will work?? We start lectures monday this semester I am taking Physiology, Neuroanatomy, Splanchnology, Principles of Pharmacology, and Intro to Surgery. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

  4. Hi, Marissa

    I am glad to hear that you are in safe. In my country, there had been some conflicts between students and university during 1960-1975.

    I enjoy to hear you that you are enjoyng your medical student life, and private life in Milan.
    I do hope your success, because you are very very kind to give me answers in school life, I am sure you can be a great doctor.

    Thank you for giving me a new article.
    I can imagine your daily schedule.How is the school residence?
    Nice place to live in? :>
